Do you need to work out a strategic plan?

  • Build your team?
  • Launch a project?


A corporate retreat is the perfect opportunity to get away from the all-consuming day to day pressures of the office and to focus on the real work that needs to be done. It is a time for strategic planning, visioning, priority setting, role clarification, decision-making and team-building.

Combining a solid meeting design that uses proven tools and techniques with an experienced facilitator will maximize the return on your investment of your most valuable resource — your time.

Our six step process for success

The process begins with a client meeting for the purpose of clearly defining their goals for the meeting, conference, or planning sessions. A preliminary design may be discussed at this time.

  1. We then prepare a detailed facilitation proposal. The proposal describes each step of the process and all of the deliverables. In some cases alternative approaches are also described.
  2. Upon acceptance of the proposal any necessary pre-work is done prior to the meeting or planning session.
  3. As we facilitate the planning session or conference we work in close partnership with our client to ensure that we are on time and on target.
  4. Immediately following the session a detailed report describing the process, the results of the meeting, and our suggested recommendations, is prepared. All action items agreed to by the participants are documented as part of this report.
  5. Finally we follow-up with the client to ensure that client’s objectives have been met.

Tools and Techniques While we select our tools and techniques from a vast toolbox for each meeting, we believe that each situation is unique and warrants its own design. Consequently we design a customized process for you that helps you achieve your objectives and desired outcomes.

Maria can provide you with a customized program.

Email for more information about bringing her program to your location.